
Saturday 19 November 2011

Skinny people may also have high cholesterol 瘦的人也会高胆固醇

Overweight or obese is one of the negative factors causing high cholesterol. Most people having misconception that only fatty need to concern about dietary issue, chronic disease such as heart attack, high cholesterol, diabetes will not happen to lean people, and in reality we often see a lot of fatty having high cholesterol. BUT, lean people should not take for granted that high cholesterol only happen to fat people. High cholesterol may cause by genetic and lifestyle.

Diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid dysfunction and other disease may also cause high level of cholesterol. Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal dominant disorder. Those patients not necessary are fat, some even very skinny but cholesterol level is high. Poor dietary habits, including eating too much high fat, greasy food and unhealthy habits, such as staying up late, lazy to move, etc., more and more lean people also joined the ranks of high cholesterol.

Nowadays, there are many young people over the intake of high fat, high calorie, high-cholesterol foods, do not eat fruits and vegetables, network addicted, pay no attention to sports, these are bad habits, even lean or skinny, cholesterol might also be "excessive." Therefore, regular medical examination is necessary, if high levels of cholesterol is found, should be treated.

In addition, a British study shows that lean people who do not exercise regularly may have the same level of cholesterol compare to fatty.

The London-based team measured the levels of heart-clogging cholesterol (LDL) in 110 peoples which divided into 3 groups, 36 lean exercisers who took regular cardiovascular exercise, such as running or cycling, three times a week or more, 46 lean non-exercisers and 28 obese non-exercisers.
They found lean exercisers had good LDL levels, but those in lean and obese non-exercisers were higher and similar. And, lean exercisers have lower risk of cardiovascular disease, the aerobic energy higher than 30% of those who do not exercise. Dr Gary O'Donovan, exercise physiologist at Brunel University, said: "It was already known that aerobic fitness was amongst the most reliable measure of health now and in the future and that those who did well in fitness tests were likely to live around five years longer".

This study also showed that lean non-exercisers' body fat may not higher than those fat people but the cholesterol in blood may be the same, the risk of heart disease and other diseases might also same with those who are fat. This is because the heart has nothing to do with fat, and cholesterol levels are closely linked.

Peng Yuqing, associate chief physician of  Beijing University of Chinese Medicine subsidiary Dongfang Hospital pointed that blood cholesterol has nothing to do with the subcutaneous fatthose with normal metabolism who have slim body if do not control on dietary and healthy lifestyle, may have risk of having high cholesterol. Peng Yuqing stress on intake of animal offal, especially liver which has high cholesterol content, and seafood such as squid, shrimp, crab roe are high-cholesterol food, do not take too much each time, especially for elderly. Besides that, mental stress, tension and staying up late, excessive stress causing  the body tends to appear lipid metabolism and may also lead to high cholesterol.

Therefore, lean people should also develop awareness of fitness and practise good exercise habits. As long as you have the sense of fitness, beside running, swimming and other sports activities, you may also climb up stairs and mop the floor any day anytime in your lifetime, these are also good form of exercise.





在这项研究中,研究人员将110名男性分为3组:36人体型偏瘦,每周做3次有氧运动,如跑步、骑车等;46人同样体型偏瘦,但不运动; 另外28人为没有运动习惯的肥胖者。





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