
Monday 3 October 2011

Black Beans Nutrition 黑豆的功效

Black beans, also known as the King of beans. Black beans nutrition are known as a very rich source of nutrition, there are many experiments have been done to reveal their benefits for health, for vegetarians, beans can be an alternative food because they contain large number of protein, as people know, vegetarians are not allowed to consume animal sourced food in order to get enough protein.

There are many different types of bean, like green bean, black bean, legume and others. One of these various types of beans that have a lot of benefits for health is black bean, black bean contain a lot of nutrients needed by the body, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin A, dietary fiber, potassium, folate, iron, magnesium, thiamin, riboflavin, copper, calcium, phosphorus, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and niacin.

Black beans are also a very rich source of fiber, these nutrients play important role to prevent cholesterol from becoming oxidized and heart disease. Black beans contain more unsaturated fatty acids, low melting point, easy to digest and absorb and not deposited in the vessel wall. Its greatest feature is containing plant sterols, plant sterols not only absorbed but also can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol.
Black beans gives beauty effect to young lady. Black beans are rich in vitamins, especially the high content of vitamin E and vitamin B. Vitamin E contents in black beans are 5 to 7 times higher than meat. We used to know that vitamin E is very important for maintaining youthful and fitness. The ancients though never notice that black beans contain a lot of vitamin E but practically use it as beauty food. Black beans were recorded in ancient medicine dictionary that it can beautify, visual improving, black hair, whitening and other functions.

When people talk about black bean, it is a unique type of bean because of the color coat on the black bean and it make them different from other beans, the color coat of black bean contain at least 8 different flavonoids that have enormous antioxidant potential that can be used to prevent degenerative diseases. Black bean hull contains anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a good source of antioxidants, can eliminate free radicals, especially in the acidic environment of stomach, have anti-oxidant effect, beautify the skin and increase gastrointestinal movement. Black bean like other types of beans contain a lot of protein and fiber, each cup has about 15 grams of both protein and fiber.


豆类中有绿豆,黑豆,豆荚等。其中对健康最受益的是黑豆。黑豆含有大量人体所需的营养物质,如维生素K,维生素C​​,锰,维生素A膳食纤维,钾叶酸铁,镁,硫胺素,核黄素钙,磷,蛋白质,ω- 3脂肪酸和烟酸



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