
Friday 30 September 2011

What is Monascus? 什么是红麴?

Monascus Purpureus, also known as red yeast, is a species of mold that is purplish-red in color. Red yeast rice is fermented white rice with Monascus purpureus.  Discoveries of cholesterol-lowering statins produced by the mold has prompted research into its possible medical uses.

Red yeast has been recorded in "Compendium of Materia Medica" as chinese medicine, and is known as nutrient-rich, non-toxic and harmless, for spleen and stomach health, promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, traditionally treat as safe food supplement.

Red yeast and Cholesterol
Red yeast products are considered as nutritional supplement that promotes cardiovascular health, mainly proved that it can effectively maintain healthy cholesterol ratio. 
Red yeast helps those with slightly high level of cholesterol (200~240 mg/dl) people to maintain healthy and normal cholesterol level. Red yeast reduce cholesterol level due to its natural ingredients, especially Monacolin-k that inhibit the key enzyme of cholesterol synthesis HMG CoA, thereby regulate cholesterol in the body.

红麴或称红曲,是一种紫红色的菌类,即紫红曲酶(Monascus Purpureus)。红麴米是由置放于白米中的紫红曲酶发酵而成。它的天然降低胆固醇的功效是已被认同的。 

红麴可使胆固醇偏高(在200~240 mg/dl)的人们维持正常、健康的胆固醇水平。
而红麴降低胆固醇的原因,则是其所含的天然成分尤其是莫纳可林K,对体内胆固醇合成之关键酵素~HMG CoA还原酵素具有抑制的作用,因此可调节体内胆固醇。

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